Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Letter 34 - A mess of perfectly beautiful chaos.

  Positive mind set is one hell of a way to live.   Keeping it positive.  Now,  sometimes even when you keep a positive mindset.  Speak positive words people do not know that you are doing this.

  I have been defended by you
supported by you
  cared for by you
loved by you
  corrected by you
fed truthful understanding by you
  consistently caressed and motivated to create by you.

Why you are so beautiful,




Even in your faults you are wonderful.
 You are my muse.
A muse inspires creativity
The mess of a blog you have created
 through me.

34 letters,

More to come.
you are an amazing muse.

I see you are a mess of beautiful chaos
 It radiates in your eyes,
it spills out into my vision and onto paper
 burning words and images
like the emotions you burn on my heart.

you are perfect as you are
 who you are
the tortered soul
 the empty vessel
the flowing stream
 the cascading water fall.

you are beautiful in your confusion
 radiant in your searching
glowing as a man
 compelling as the little boy
One so want to caress.

  Beyond what is broken
is a soul of pure light
  shining through the cracks
casting a light on me
  just enough to intrigue.
just enough to cause curiosity
  just enough.

Perfectly flawed
 perfectly human
perfectly written story
 still being written
Let me be your pen,
 let me be your paper.

Just do not fear the dark
 my mirror,
my friend.
 for in the dark is where
the light shines the brightest.

Emmy Lou Marie

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