Thursday, September 26, 2013

Letter 35 - The Final Entry: Pure uncut truth - Drug of choice.

  This will be my final entry.  There may be one more but that depends on some things.  Ironically me, and no one else.

As it should be.

  One thing I have always said is that I will never speak anything but truth.  I will bear it to you.  Even if it means I will not speak because *I* cannot bear the truth myself.   Recently the truth has put me in a place where I believe I will have to swallow yet another jagged pill.   I put out who I am,  I offer what I do,  if people like it they take it if they do not.  Well,  they weren't meant for me nor I for them.

 The Arrogance I have encountered due to this blog has been Unreal.
Thanks,  but no thanks.

  I realized recently I wanted nothing to do with the dating world,  that I wanted to get myself on my feet and enjoy the friends I have.  So I gave it up.

  I hope you all,  Everyone who Might have read this blog  enjoyed  it as it was.  This will more than likely be the last entry as I am tired of the drama it has caused in MY life.  Really that is all I am concerned with anymore.  Keeping mine drama free,  serine and simple.   I, very soon,  may be starting a Training course that will be keeping me busy from 6 am till 7 Pm for 6 weeks, between travel and the actual course.   The time I have beyond that must be peaceful,  it must be calm,  it must be restful.    Between now and the time I do start it,  I have to regain my strength.  emotional,  physical and mental.  The job I stand to get will be an amazing blessing.   Lately, this blog,  has been only a drain.   So I am putting a cap on it.  For now?  Maybe,  but its a must.

  So  good Morning,  Good afternoon,  Good evening,   No matter where you are in the world! Thank you for joining me on this lil adventure.

Keep it simple
Keep it real
Let love in
Don't stress the small stuff.

Always walk in light and love,
Blessed Be.
Emmy Lou Marie


My Birthday was great,  still no actual party but really,  I dunno if it matters either way.

I got a couple very good and cleansing days with HisRoyalRascalness.  Everything I wanted and even a bit more.  Balloons,  and pictures.  Hes never taken pics of me.  He did this time,  with a idea I had sparked by the kid in me.  Which very much was out for a while that weekend.  I had always secretly wanted him to WANT to take pics of me.

Yes I was a bit more normal than,  usual hey? 
Acceptance is amazing,  so is being able to let go of things.

Thank you my friend.  Means the world to me.  I will always be here,  as always,  arms open.  Ear turned.  Unconditionally,  no demands, no expectations.
I love you
and always will.


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