Sunday, August 25, 2013

Letter 26 Long Term Goals+


I have no Idea if I can even begin to relay the thoughts I just had out for a smoke but that will lead me to what it is all about.   I want to retire,  whatever that will mean when the time comes,  where I can hear the sounds of nature.  If I can be specific but not dead set when I say southern or tropical nature.   The frogs talking to each other,  the crickets,  and even the ear piercing but pure sound of the cicadas, who are even pleasant for a short time,  water whether brook or beach, wind through the trees palm or pine,  all make my heart simultaneously swell and calm.   I settle and my mind tends to go to this peace and calm state I hear HisRoyalRascalness say is the place to be.


I'm done,  it's OK    I explained to you who I am tonight,  I will continue to explain thru action and example.  Without any kind of filter. (Well in private anyway)   After all it's what I ask of other's right?  *Licks ya from chin to eyeball*  It's Amazing how a bomb in yer life will knock some things free you forgot were there and suddenly know were sorely missed.    Locked and loaded,  ya gotta ask yourself,  do ya feel lucky punk?   Well,  do ya?   

Uncertainty,  all I feel right now.   It will change as the things I am working for pan out.  I am really frightened.  Trying to keep a brave face.  Trying to keep believing in, people, least of all myself.  I don't feel entirely right, but I don't think anyone of us,  and I mean anyone in this world has,  ever.  We are humans, never satisfied,  never complete,  never enough for our world,  country,  city,  each other or ourselves.

Cruelly plucked
like feathers from a chicken
only partly dead
mostly alive
but going that way
it's heart holds sway.

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